21 November 2008


Flowers bloom, bees are happy, birds rejoice.
Spring arrived, it is the great rebirth of joy
butterflyes dance from flower to flower
the skies are blue, as blue as ever
the rain washes away the impurity left
after the snows of winter melt
and Oh! the magnifisence, the beauty
Spring is a maid of honour, fresh and shy
she does not know she enamours
with her arome so exquisite
She ignores her power to make kings fall at her feet. And yet she does honour to her name, everything springs with strength, with color, with love, and all sweethearts feel the rapture of that love and can not fight against the sentiments that takes them prisioners of the most romantic dreams.
Spring arrived, she lives a short time and leaves behind, flowers, birds, bees and loving maids that will be waiting for her comeback in next year's time to spring to life again.

1 comment:

CoolDeep said...

Stupendous... you are beauty and elegance personified my friend..

If you haven't, I recommend you to watch the videos of Rumi-the sufi mystic, in youtube. I am sure you'll be in love with it. Just make a search, Rumi, in youtube.



I am happy to welcome you to this blog, I hope to show how beautiful and awesome can the world be. This place we call Earth, the very same place we harm and damage everyday, without realizing the beauty she gives us back, because she keeps on and on not tiring to regale us the bounties of her bossom.
I invite you to discover the misteries nature puts right in front of our eyes and we ignore, take them for granted or simply cannot see because the bad, the ugly keeps us blinded. It is an easy task for me, because I love this planet of ours, and I see beauty everywhere. Please let me humbly show you what I see and try to explain what I feel.
Welcome Welcome Welcome