06 December 2008

Life is Music

Life is pure music, just close your eyes and sit still, after a moment you will be able to hear the sounds of life, the music around you. If your are outside, the wind sings a song, the rain sings a different one, the flying of a bird, the murmur of a near by river, the sea keeping the rithm of the waves. If you are inside, listen to the steps of people that are coming and going, the washing machine at home, the ring of the telephone, the splashing of water while you bathe, the sound of your skin brushing softly against the sheets when you are in bed. Everything is music, the crying of a child, the laughter of a friend, the soft music of your hair when you brush it. The breathing, your heart pounding, everything. You have to stop and listen, sometimes the melody is not a very sweet one, sometimes it is so loud it gets on your nerves, and other times you feel like you are floating on a cloud. Music can change your mood, can help you remember, can help you forget, and we never sit, close our eyes and listen. We could discover many of life's secrets by hearing the notes she whispers to us, the sounds of life is it's way to tell us the miracles, to make us think of the wonders, the misteries. Let us not go deaf thorough our lives,
close your eyes and open your hearing, discover the music of life.

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I am happy to welcome you to this blog, I hope to show how beautiful and awesome can the world be. This place we call Earth, the very same place we harm and damage everyday, without realizing the beauty she gives us back, because she keeps on and on not tiring to regale us the bounties of her bossom.
I invite you to discover the misteries nature puts right in front of our eyes and we ignore, take them for granted or simply cannot see because the bad, the ugly keeps us blinded. It is an easy task for me, because I love this planet of ours, and I see beauty everywhere. Please let me humbly show you what I see and try to explain what I feel.
Welcome Welcome Welcome