12 February 2009


The sea

The inmensity of the sea is overwhelming
the everlasting coming and going of the waves
it seems to caress the sands once and again, and again
Like you and me, it's allways breathing
it can not stop the rithm
it carries in it's womb a world of mistery
creatures and treasures, mermaids and dreams
The sea is not old, ir is ancient
millions of vessels mark the wrinkels
the breeze smoothes the surface
and forms the waves ending in pure white meerschaum
and they come and go again and again
The sea perseveres, it has no choice
but when he is bored he calls the wind
the two design a devil's plan
and giants punish the same sand
it had loved and caress just before
because the sea, like love, can go to extremes
it can be furious, can be bold
only to go back to peace and tenderness
when the wind calms down and stops to blow
I would like to be the soft breeze
to be the tender waves
I would like to dress myself as the sea
and breath away my sadness
I would like to be the storm
to be so strong
I would like to be the inmensity
I would like to have a shore
a shore to caress, a shore to kiss
and kiss, again and again, and again



Anonymous said...

I am a younger guy who likes to absorb the words from the wiser. Thanks for sharing.

Ed Ngai said...

thanks for your comment! it was beautiful.

As for this.. I really like it. I often wonder if there is anything else in the world that is so light and beautiful on the surface yet so dark and deep underneath.


I am happy to welcome you to this blog, I hope to show how beautiful and awesome can the world be. This place we call Earth, the very same place we harm and damage everyday, without realizing the beauty she gives us back, because she keeps on and on not tiring to regale us the bounties of her bossom.
I invite you to discover the misteries nature puts right in front of our eyes and we ignore, take them for granted or simply cannot see because the bad, the ugly keeps us blinded. It is an easy task for me, because I love this planet of ours, and I see beauty everywhere. Please let me humbly show you what I see and try to explain what I feel.
Welcome Welcome Welcome